Today I have been in Haiti for 32 days. A lot has happened and I have seen a lot. I have seen a lot of hurt, sadness, hopelessness, pain, suffering, poverty and heartache. It breaks me to see it. It is very easy to see the need. To see where people are lacking. Because the need here is so huge.
I have been blessed with fantastic parents that have taught me faith by living it every day. Leading me by example. I have grown up watching them step out in faith daily and then watching God be faithful daily. I have also watched others (family, friends & people in general) who have not chosen to walk the walk of faith. Who each month count on a certain amount of money, a planned grocery shopping day, a certain number of dollars that go into savings, and just everything lined up. Not that there is anything wrong with this picture. Looking at both lifestyles I see pros and cons. But I often wonder what God wants from us. What He desires to see in us. What lifestyle He longs for us to live.
Sarah (the lady I am staying with here in Haiti) and I have had some great conversations. One of them with the subject of faith. I mentioned earlier about how it is very easy to see the huge need in this country. Orphans, homeless people, poverty, tent cities, sickness, very few jobs, water issues, etc.. Yet the Christians here thrive. They are on fire for Jesus. They have such a close relationship with Him. They serve Him in great ways. They are set apart. There is a difference. I believe that difference comes down to their faith in God. Each day they wake up having faith that God will provide what they need. They live their faith everyday.
In American we don't. It is as simple as that. We don't have to. When we don't have food, we go the store (or mom will). When we are sick, we go to the doctor. When we need new clothes, we go to the mall or a clothes store. When we need to go somewhere we hop in the car. Half of the time I don't even think about it. It is just our way of living. We do what we want and we get what we want. Even if it is not what we truly need. Once again, there is nothing really wrong with this picture but where do we practice living by faith.
You see the difference in our faith.
They don't have a savings account that they can count on or fall back on. A lot of them don't have a home they can count on always being able to call home. But they have a God they can always count on, fall back on and find rest in and in turn that creates their faith.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
I know this is a crazy thought but what if I did. How would that change my relationship with God. I have a feeling that I would be a whole lot closer to Him. That I would trust Him with my everything because He would become my everything. That I would be in constant communication with Him. And that I would love Him more.
By stating a lot of this people are probably thinking 'well in America we can plan and wise people do plan. They steward what they have.' And I agree. But I just want to challenge you to pick somewhere or something to step out in faith on. Maybe it is something that you have been wanting to do for someone but have not had the money. Or maybe it is sharing Christ with someone but worried about what the result could be. Or maybe it is as simple as having a family that needs some fellowship into your home for a meal, when the budget doesn't really allow. Maybe it doesn't have to do with dollar signs but something else.
God blesses those who please Him. But without faith it is impossible to please Him. If we long for that rich and strong relationship with Christ what are we doing to create it.
For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
On a side note. I mentioned about how there is so much hurt and heartache here. And I have and can burst into tears at any moment at the thought of all the people that have nothing and are hurting. The babies without clothes and cries due to hunger. I have had to remind myself that God is still faithful. He will provide for His followers. And it is amazing. Even when His followers may still live in tents, might not be able to plan the whole weeks worth of food, But God still provides. Even if it is moment to moment, meal to meal. Once again, their faith...
God wants all the glory. When non-believers see the way that God provides for His followers here they desire that themselves. They want that assurance that God will take care of them. Both physically, emotionally and spiritually. Once again God's amazing plan to draw people to Himself.
I have been thinking about all of this and thought I would share. :) I hope you are enjoying your summer and thanks for all your prayers! Love you all!
It's simple...they are a broken people, and broken people return to God. We, as Americans are a wealthy people, and wealthy people believe they no longer need God, that they can do it on their own, not realizing the gifts they have are from God. Consider it a test, when you receive a great gift, do you forget the giver? Are you going to live for and because of the gift? Or are you going to share? We do indeed have both kinds here in America, many couldn't go and do the job you are doing without those that give. The biggest gift we could give as American's is education. Teach them to "do" for themselves, and it would go farther than "doing" for them. It is as simple as spoiling a child, and "doing" everything for him/her. As expected, the child will expect it, and rant and rave if you don't do it. A hard working people will do amazing things with the right guidance, and be able to take care of themselves.
ReplyDeleteGood blog post Katie:) After my husband hit enter he asked me "How do I edit a post on blogspot?" He wanted to say that THE biggest gift we can give Americans and others is Jesus. Jesus first. Always. Education is a big gift, but if you don't have Jesus, its pretty much worthless.
DeleteAgain, I really enjoyed reading your post.
Thank you both for your comments and advice(: Mr. Davila...I totally need to do better at thanking the giver! Thank you for your comment. Really made me think. We give them Jesus and hopefully in return and out of a longing to please the Lord and live according to the bible they will strive for a godly, productive lifestyle. Being good stewards of what they have and bringing up a family in the ways that God desires. Of course us being Christians and ourselves striving to honor God in all that we do, we will live out (or at least should...) Matthew 7:12. Giving all that we have. Knowledge, good judgment, physical and spiritual guidance and our "wealth & riches". Also in Matthew 5:14-16 we are called to "let our light shine before men". We should be giving and living an example of what God wants. Walking with the people. As it says in Matthew 28, "make disciples of all nations...teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." We should be teaching the new believers as we walk with and among them. :) I totally agree with the thought...if we give & give & give, it will create a lazy slothful mentality, just as it does in the US. We need to pray that God guides us to the "ones and the twos" that will be truly grateful. (and we need to see the value of giving someone knowledge of how to do something, or complete a does not always have to be physical things.) Once again thank you for your advice and I truly enjoy and am grateful for it. Give 'em Jesus! :D God bless you and your family!